In operation from 2015 to 2018, Házikó Catering managed two Farmbistros in Budapest. The first as an extension of its food-manufactory, the second in a bank branch as a unique joint project with MagNet Bank Hungary – the country’s first and still the only community bank. Both bistros were operating along Agri Kulti’s social and […]


In November 2012, Agri Kulti traveled with the All-Star-Farmers of Szimpla Farmers’ Market to Kreuzberg/Berlin for a weekend. The event was organized by Agri Kulti in cooperation with Markthalle IX., which hosted the 3 day event.


Tapolca is one of the few Hungarian settlements that have genuine farmers’ market with great history. The aim of this one-year project (2016-17) was to enhance the attractiveness and community functions of the market for locals and visitors by introducing services and events related to local products, seasons and traditions, as well as healthy lifestyle […]


Operating since 2014, Balassagyarmat Farmers’ Market was organized by the students and of the Sustainable Rural Development Course of ELTE Faculty of Human Ecology, as a result of a 3-year research project in the Balassagyarmat Micro Region (Nógrád County, N-Hungary) and the Slovak side of the river Ipoly/Ipel, in the Veľký Krtíš District. Agri Kulti […]